Showing 1–16 of 20 results
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CLASSICAL THEORISTS IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES: From Western Ideas to African Realities (2021) by Dejo Abdulrahman, Ilufoye S. Ogundiya & Jimoh Amzat
₦5,000.00The book should be of great interest to both undergraduate and postgraduate students in the social sciences, including but not limited to economics, geography, public administration, political science, sociology, anthropology and demography. It is certainly a useful companion to every social science student who desires an understanding of classical theoretical developments in and evolution of the disciplines.
- Introduction to Sociological Theories – Dejo Abdulrahman
- Political Theory: Nature, Substance, Relevance and the State of the Discipline in the Nigerian Universities – Ogundiya llufoye Sarafa
- Socrates: Laying the Foundations of the Traditions of Political Philosophy – Sulaiman Y. Balarabe Kura
- The Quintessential Plato, 427-347 BC – Sulaiman Y. Balarabe Kura
- John Locke, Jean Jacques Rousseau and the Social Contract Theory: Implications for Contemporary Nigerian Politics – Luqman Saka, Adebiyi, O.M. and Bakare, A.R.
- Immanuel Kant and the African Realities – Seun Bamidele
- Aristotle’s Political Theory and Consolidating the Traditions of the Classics: Postulations, Applications and Limitations – Sulaiman Y. Balarabe Kura
- Ibn Khaldun and the Foundation of Sociological Thinking – Dare Ojo Omonijo
- John Stuart Mill’s Political Philosophy and the Shaping of Political and Economic Structures – James Apam
- The Birth of Sociology. From August Comte to Herbert Spencer – Tunde Salman
- The Political Philosophy of Edmund Burke – Azeez Olaniyan & Ayodeji O. Adedeji
- The Political Thought of Jeremy Bentham: 1748-1852 – S.M. Omodia and Oluwasoji, C. Olawole
- Classical Sociological Statements: A Durkheimian Perspective – Abdullahi A.A., Aliyu, T.K. & Mahmoud K.O.
- Jean Bodin: Beyond Sovereignty – Ibrahim Baba Shatambaya
- The Life and Works of David Ricardo: A Review of Literature – Olarinde O. Muftau & A.A. Bello
- Karl Marx and the African Realities – Godwin Etta Odok
- Max Weber and the Emergence of Interpretive Sociology – Jimoh Amzat & Victor Kolo
- Vilfredo Pareto as a Social Theorist and Scholar – S. Akinmayowa Lawal & Isaac A. Adedeji
- George Herbert Mead: The Emergence and Relevance of Interactionism – Olayinka Akanle & Adejare Gbenga Sunday
- Contemporary Sociological Discourses: Cooley’s Perspective – Abdullah Ali Arazeem & Issah, Moshood
- Ervin Goffman’s Perspectives on Contemporary Social Realities – Victor Kolo & Jimoh Amzat
- The New Strand of Functionalism of Robert K. Merton – Bashir Bello
- Talcott Parsons, Beyond Structural-Functionalism: Understanding Emerging Systems and Processes in Modern Africa – Isaac A. Adedeji
- Introduction to Social Exchange Theory – Dejo Abdulrahman
- John Rawls on the Theory of Justice – Ogundiya Ilufoye Sarafa & Samuel Oyewole
- Anthony Giddens, Structuration Theory and Modernity – S. Akinmayowa Lawal
- Introduction to Feminist Thinkers – Oluwatoyin Olatundun Ilesanmi
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DISCOURSE ANALYSIS AND PRAGMATICS; Issues in Theory and Practice (2017) – by Gbenga Ibileye
₦2,500.00Previous works on Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics have either been dominantly focused on theory or on practice without much balance and attention to both theory and analysis. The present volume seeks to strike a balance between the two closely related disciplines on the one hand, and between the study of theory in the two disciplines and on issues of methodology and application in specific areas of enquiry on the other. The book seeks to provide a cross-sectional view of scholarship in these areas, specifically from the perspective of how the intersection of theory and practice enables Nigerian scholars of Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics to understand and analyze texts that have pan-Nigerian peculiarities.
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₦2,500.00Combined together in three volumes are the author’s writings on labour and employments relations in Nigeria spanning over three and a half decades. Volume one covers the Nigerian industrial relations industrial relations institutional and legal framework, trade unions and trade unionism, wage bargains and conflict relations. Volume 1 dwells on the Nigerian industrial relations institutional and legal framework, trades unions and trade unionism, wage bargain and conflict relations.
- A New Industrial Relations Policy in Nigeria: the way forward in a democratic dispensation
- Overview of Industrial Relations Practice and the structure of Collective Bargaining in Nigeria
- Social Dialogue in Nigeria
- Labour, Democratisation and Social Dialogue in Nigeria: Lessons for South Africa
- Trends in Industrial and Labour Relations Practice: National and Global Perspectives
- Industry and Labour: consolidating the gains of democracy
- Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
- Nigerian Trade Union Act and ILO Conventions
- The Generals, NLC and Trade Union Bill
- Understanding the New Trade Union Structure
- Trade Union Leadership and Administration in Nigeria
- Trade Union leadership in the oil and gas industry: current issues and challenges
- The 1981 General Strike in Nigeria
- The Political Clash in the Aftermath of the 1981 General Strike
- Strikes in Nigeria: Some Considerations
- Federal Government and ASUU: a strike too many
- ASUU: Beyond Thomas Olusanya and his Statistical Aluta Continua
- Disputes settlement mechanism in Nigeria: a critical examination
- National Industrial Court and collective relations
0 out of 5
₦2,500.00Combined together in three volumes are the author’s writings on labour and employment relations in Nigeria spanning over three and a half decades. Volume two covers the Nigerian industry-specific employment relations, comparative labour relations and cross-cutting African development issues. Volume 2 contains Nigerian industry-specific employment relations, comparative labour relations and cross-cutting African development issues:
- Industrial Harmony in the University System
- Globalisation and telecommunications industry in Nigeria
- Managing unemployment of professionals in Nigeria
- Achieving regulatory certainty and independence in the Oil and Gas Industry
- Formation of the Nigerian Universities Pension Fund Administrator
- The Relevance of Labour in Nigeria’s Socio-Economic and Political Development
- The notion of International Labour Standards: critical observations
- Globalisation and National Development: the role of Labour
- Career Planning in a Deregulated Economic Environment
- Engendering Better Resource Management Policies in a Globalised environment
- Implications of Fiscal Policies for Human Resource Management and Development
- Unemployment and making a living: compelling problems in our national life
- The Economic Crisis and Employment
- Agreements and regional integration in Africa
- Decent Work Agenda and Social Dialogue:Â challenges to stakeholders in the face of Global Financial Crisis
- Labour administration, regional integration and co-operation in poverty alleviation: the case of West and Southern Africa
- Labour administration, regional integration and co-operation in Africa: integrating labour and employment sector under globalisation
- The Role of Labour Administration and Industrial Relations
- State and Corporate Governance: the missing link in Africa’s Development
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₦2,500.00Brought together in three volumes are the author’s seminal writings on labour and employment relations in Nigeria spanning nearly four decades. Volume 3 dwells on the dynamics of public sector employment relations and starts with a general review and critique of organised labour’s perceptions of and contributions to the development crisis in Nigeria:
- Organised Labour and Change Agents in Nigeria
- Employment Relations in the Nigerian Federal Civil Service Since 1960
- Public Sector Collective Bargaining in Nigeria
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NIGERIAN GODS (2022) by Kome Otobo
₦4,000.00Nigerian Gods is an enlightening and sobering review of the impact of the introduction of the three main Abrahamic religions on Nigeria’s traditional religions, culture and way of life, viewed through the prism of its eleven largest and two of the smallest ethnic groups.
Kome Otobo, gives here a factual and acute description and presentation of the main characteristics of the major ethnic groups in Nigeria – historical background and socio-political structures, demography, traditional religions, differing impacts of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and major occupations and modes of existence – which should serve to propel all to a fuller assessment of the complexities of the directions which a Post-Covid-19 World is tending rapidly, ethnically and racially exploited differences jumping to the fore to question erstwhile dominant political ideologies and political arrangements based on them.
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₦2,500.00This book contains a partially revised version of the 9th Inaugural Lecture Series 2018 of the University of Lagos, Nigeria, delivered by Dafe Otobo on 4 July 2018. According to him, “this is a small part in the on-going attempt at placing state policies, organisational, managerial and workers practices in Nigeria, if not Africa and elsewhere, into truer perspective.” Aside from updating trade unionism, industrial relations and related developments in Nigeria, it is easily a thought-provoking and thoroughgoing critique of dominant received theories on labour and employment relations.
- Introduction
- Of Labels and Labelling
- Models, Modelling and Illusions
- The Farms in the Bush: How do we go?
- Dominant Received Farm-Management Model
- Harmattan and Farm Management The Bush, Farmers, Farm Managers and Disagreements in Post-Harmattan Period
- Understanding Organization of Farms in the Bush
- Dynamics of Overseer and Other Species in the Bush
- The Bush, Climate Change and Final Destination
- Public Policies and Micro-Macro Struggles in the Federal Public Service Since 1990
- Dispute-settlement Mechanism, Assessment and Suggestions for Improvement
- Final Destination?
- Neo-Patrimonialism, Dependent Capitalism and Prebendalism
- Trades Unions, Trade Unionism and Social Consciousness
- How About Trades Unions’ Strategies and Tactics?
- Concluding Remarks
- References and Select Bibliography
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PRIVATE SECURITY COMPANIES IN NIGERIA: Organisation and Function (2022) by Plangshak Musa Suchi
₦3,000.00“The thrust of the book is an analysis of the organisation and roles of private security organisations in Nigeria. Issues covered include growth and size of commercial security companies, reasons for their growth, motivation of the proprietors and clients, type of services provided and the extent of clients’ satisfaction, regulation, relationship with public law enforcement agencies, and challenges. These issues were discussed with results from an empirical survey of private security companies and their clients.
This book is one of very few academic studies of private security organisations in Nigeria, and perhaps the most theoretically grounded. The book, structured into nine chapters, should appeal to students of criminology, security studies, criminal justice and sociology; policymakers, law enforcement officials, proprietors and clients of private security company, legislators and the general public, and it is highly recommended to them.” Etannibi E.O. Alemika, PhD, Professor of Criminology and Sociology of Law, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Jos, Jos, Nigeria
- Introduction
- Conceptual Clarification and Conceptions of Private Policing
- Social Responsibility in Perspective
- Size and Growth of Private Security Companies In Nigeria
- Types, Services and Clients of Private Security Companies
- Cooperation between Private Security Companies and Public Security Forces
- Regulation of Private Security Companies in Nigeria
- Challenges and Contributions of Private Security Companies
- Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
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ROAD TO THE HOUSE (2020)- by Hon (Rev) E. Francis Waive
This book describes Reverend Francis Waive’s journey getting elected to Nigeria’s National Assembly, where he now is the member representing the people of Ughelli North, Ughelli South and Udu Federal Constituency. Before his dramatic election in February 2019, Rev Waive served as General Overseer of the Church of the Anointing Warri Delta State. He used the platform of the church to dispense of charity to the deprived communities of the Niger Delta through his establishment of the Riverine Communities Health Organisation. His involvement includes both action research projects and intervention programmes in Education Health Water and Sanitation, etc. His social advocacy efforts include convening the Free Delta Group for good governance in Delta State.